Is there a way to open ssf video file
Is there a way to open ssf video file

Since you have both of these solutions, and since they are both part of the Adobe Experience Cloud, you have the opportunity to follow the best practice of turning on server-side forwarding, which enables the Analytics data collection servers to forward site analytics data in real time to Audience Manager, instead of having client-side code send an additional hit from the page to AAM.

is there a way to open ssf video file

This tutorial applies to you if you have both Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) and Adobe Analytics, and you are currently sending a hit from the page to AAM using DIL (Data Integration Library) code, and also sending a hit from the page to Adobe Analytics.

is there a way to open ssf video file

Migrate your site’s Audience Manager implementation from client-side DIL to server-side forwarding

Is there a way to open ssf video file